Sustainable development and CSR

Do you want to spread your wings in the responsible business area, yet you lack the knowledge of: how to build an effective CSR strategy or the structure of sustainable development management? You don’t know how to meet the expectations of your clients, how to build processes and projects in compliance with current trends, climate challenges or recommendations like ISO2600 or SDG’s? Find the best solutions below.

CSR, ESG Strategy

I provide a complete process of building your CSR strategy, sustainable development and ESG. Based on the audit results I define strong and weak sides and also pinpoint chances and hazards for the future. I can train your human resources, propose a budget and the managing structure. I will provide effective KPIs, tools and ways to measure those. And when the strategy is ready I will be there to help you implement it.

Contact me and learn the details

CSR Project

The creator is the archetype of my brand which is why I love to create new ideas and projects. Using AgilePM methodology and Design Thinking approach I will define the insights that fit stakeholders needs, social-economical challenges or SDG’s goals. I will provide project environment, plan the tasks, stages and roles within it, as well as the advice on how to strategically communicate it.

Contact me and learn the details

CSR consulting by the hour

If you don’t have a CSR team or you need support, I will gladly answer your questions. I am offering a collaboration in the form of a subscription. You give a specific number of hours you need, together we decide on the scope, contact form (1:1 sessions, on-line consultation, e-mails) and payments, and I provide tools, ideas and solutions for you and your team.

Contact me and learn the details

My assurances

Do you want to know more on how our cooperation will look like? Not a problem. Below you can find details on what I provide.

1 We can meet face-to-face and have a cup of coffee or online.

2 You define what? and for when? while I advise on how? and why?

3 Together we define all the details (scope, form and deadlines).

4 I communicate with people, since I find them the most important part of everything.

5 I introduce you to the first conclusions of the White Leaf Point of View.

6 Our work is gaining momentum. We create!

7 We follow the trends, we gain from practices and innovations.

8 We shape the strategy, plan and project.

9 We consult the ideas with the Board and Management.

10 Voilà! We can show the world the final effect.


Reach for more

Contact me and let’s discuss the details

If you think about CSR strategy, courses, responsible selling, ESG analysis, audit of your suppliers, dialogue with stakeholders, code of ethics, CSR report or you want me to be part of your conference, call me or write me an email.

+48 514 150 412 write to me –

Why should you read this blog?

You will find here answers to many questions e.g.: How to adapt business to climate change? How to support the Sustainable Development Goals? Why do responsible leaders focus on diversity? And how to build responsible growth strategies?