My Offer

Below you will see in what way I work with clients. If you want to build your CSR strategy, gain the interest of investors, you prepare yourself for a call for tenders or an ESG certification - feel free to contact me, so we can discuss the details. Same if you dream about a unique EVP, positive influence start-up or you want to audit your suppliers.

Zrównoważony rozwój i CSR

Sustainable development and CSR

Create a strategy that connects business processes, social-economic challenges and stakeholders expectations. Obtain competitive advantage and customer loyalty.

Łańcuch dostaw

Supply chain

Choose a strategy with a supply chain audit. Minimize risks, influence the environment positively and increase your profitability thanks to standards of ethical behaviour.

ESG - inwestowanie odpowiedzialne społecznie

ESG - socially responsible investing

Choose a ESG strategy, influence your rating positively and get your investors interested. Build your position in indexes and increase your chance for an ESG-linked loan.

Dialog z interesariuszami

Dialogue with stakeholders

Start a dialogue with employees, clients or investors, gain knowledge and turn it into profitability of processes and your whole business.

Odpowiedzialna sprzedaż

Responsible selling

Choose a strategy and a check-up of experiences and service standards if you want your clients to come back or recommend you further. Gain your customers satisfaction and loyalty for years to come.

Raportowanie niefinansowe

Non-financial reporting

Choose transparency. Building a CSR report effectively and enriching it with a communication strategy will help you gain credibility and increase indexes of reputation.

Employer branding z elementami CSR

Employer branding with CSR elements

Choose a strategy which connects CSR and HR processes with branding. Gain an unique EVP and increase your employees satisfaction as well as new talents for your company.

Start-up pozytywnego wpływu

Positive influence start-up

I have started a start-up myself, so I know the lights and shadows. Exchange local and global challenges into a sustainable business and shift your idea into a long-term success.


Practical knowledge to be used in the organization

If you or your team are looking for knowledge and inspiration, check my online courses. If you find something interesting feel free to contact me. If you are looking for something more personalised - write to me about your needs and I will create a course for your needs.


Contact me and let’s discuss the details

If you think about CSR strategy, courses, responsible selling, ESG analysis, audit of your suppliers, dialogue with stakeholders, code of ethics, CSR report or you want me to be part of your conference, call me or write me an email.

+48 514 150 412 write to me –

Why should you read this blog?

You will find here answers to many questions e.g.: How to adapt business to climate change? How to support the Sustainable Development Goals? Why do responsible leaders focus on diversity? And how to build responsible growth strategies?